Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Whirlwind of Life

December brought graduation - I got my diploma in the mail yesterday and my schedule has definitely filled up without being required to fulfill any more credits. But my life has been just as busy. I started working full time at a craft store as a supervisor - not my dream job but thankfully a job! It's fun being back in the loop of the world of work after taking almost a complete year off of full-time work to be able to finish school. Another bonus is the fact that I'm always on my feet at my job which has helped me lose weight!

January I found out that the house I have lived in for the past three years sold and I am moving away. I am moving with my roommates just down the road on Saturday. It's not far and it is an upgrade that I am looking forward to. The best part is that it is still a house with a yard and a spot for a garden - it will be like a new piece of heaven to enjoy!

The last change is that I am finally taking down the Christmas decorations - part of me still feels like I'm getting ready for Christmas, the time passed by so quickly.

Also, I was tagged by my sister Alycia to show the fourth picture of mine in my fourth picture folder. It is a picture of my niece Kathryn goofing off two Christmases ago. She loves to dress up and steals my bracelets all the time - and she is a crack-up! I am so grateful to be an Aunt to the coolest niece!


Theresa Cooley said...

I LOVE this picture!!

The Hiller Family said...

Funny!! She's a crack up for sure! I think she's secretly always up to something, but we all have no clue!

Marci Ward said...

Congratulations on graduating that is so awesome. Way to go! I think you are great! And have you heard from Kelli or Crystal ever? I feel like they dropped of the map! Help!

Megan and Jeremy said...

Congrats on graduating Serena! That is a HUGE accomplishment :) And I'm glad you can still have a garden too...until you leave with the Peace Corps of course :)

Sally said...

yeah for gardens. come to my house and help me find a spot for one. what store are you working at. we really need to get together soon. love ya!