Friday, October 26, 2007

It's my favorite time of the year!!!!!

Here are a few of the things that have been going on in the Serena world. If you can't tell from the pictures Halloween is my favorite holiday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't worry, there will be more pictures to come.I saw a picture of this on an email I got and had to do it. The only problem is that it's getting pretty ugly looking now that I carved it so early, so more "fresh" pumpkins will be carved tomorrow.
This is from Heidi's birthday - I took her shopping that morning and we ended up in the Hat section for a minute and had some fun.
My roommate Sherie Echols is HI-larious!!!!!!! I'm learning that we have a lot of different costumes for halloween laying around and are having fun trying them on. I guess I do it so often that when Sherie took a recent trip to Washington, the gift she brought back for me was a whole set of six fake teeth - it really made my day! (you know your life is really boring when you get excited about fake nerd teeth :)
Here is another pumpkin idea I found. I got a screw driver and poked holes for the christmas lights!
This is my favorite pumpkin so far though, you cut a hole in the center for the tea candle
So all you kids out there have a great Halloween and enjoy yourselves!! Hope to see you all at Heidi's Halloween party on Saturday night!


The Hiller Family said...

Thanks for coming to my party and bringing stuff... even if we didn't get a chance to do it! It was fun! I like the pumpkins!

Anonymous said...

Those are awesome pumpkins! I'm glad you can find ways to let your creativity run wild... I think it is good for our mental health.