Tuesday, October 9, 2007

These are a few of my favorite things......

This summer ending has helped me remember a few of the things that I have been able to do and spend time with those I love most. I am so thankful for the blessing it is to have my family close to me and dear friends. When I first moved to Bountiful, I was unsure about making new friends and sad to leave my friends in Provo behind. The blessing of having an amazing Bishop like Bishop Plaizier is to be able to gain inspiration on life, such as, "Strangers are only friends that you haven't met yet". I'm thankful for the advice I've received from you guys. Some of it has been life changing, leading me to find my major. Some of it helped to change bad habits and form good ones. Some of it was just to learn more about what life is really all about and remember what is really important.
In General Conference, members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints were reminded by President Henry B. Eyring to remember! Remember and ponder on the things that the Lord has given to us during our lives. In doing so, you will feel in your life the spirit more and have the opportunity to learn more from life. I know that when I actually take the time to review what the Lord has done for me each day, I find things that I didn't recognize as works of the Lord until I sit down and think about it. It makes me appreciate more the knowledge that I do have a Father in Heaven, and he does have a plan for me and is watching over us each day, showing us his love in so many different ways. Thank you friends and family for so often showing me and others his love through your thoughtfulness and kindness and most of all your friendship!


Suzie said...

Serena... it is good to see you are still alive and kicking. I check you blog at least weekly, and I was getting tired of your Bear Lake Post. I agree with what you have said in this one, and I am taking time to see how the Lord's hand is in my life every day.

The Hiller Family said...

Nice pictures! I love K. in the bathtub most of all! The things I heard most in Conference made me realize I need to keep a journal... one more week and i'll get mine from the movers! SCORE!