Wednesday, August 15, 2007

10k on 07-24-07 and Swimming on the Great Salk Lake

My roommate Rachel and I decided to go for a bigger challenge than 5k's and aim for the 10k world! So we signed ourselves up for the Deseret News 10k. Our time was 1 hour and 9 minutes - we ran all of it at a nice pace except for about a 1/2 mile - my knee started hurting and I ended up having a limp for a week after - i guess my leg decided it didn't want to cooperate with me. But it was a lot of fun and I look forward to the next one. Afterward we went with my family (Alycia, Tyson, and Jesse) and my roommate Tammy to go swimming at the Great Salt Lake. I loved it!!! I can't believe I have waited so long to go. True it does not smell good but if any of you have gone swimming in Cherry Lake in Tuttle, North Dakota you realize that the Great Salk Lake is not the worst lake to go swimming in. In fact, it was more fun that any other lake since you didn't really have to put a lot of effort in staying afloat. Out contest was to see who could keep their legs straight under them for the longest (like a balancing act) before our legs popped up out of the water. It was pretty funny. If you haven't tried it - you are missing out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.